Victor L. Bradley Jr.

Anti-bias & Anti-Racist Educational Programming, Coaching, & Custom Curriculums

About Me

I have over Thirty years of experience as an educator in elementary and early childhood settings serving various communities which includes 20+ years of diversity training. My extensive experience has been with children and adults of all ages and includes guiding children, parents, teachers, and student teachers at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. I feel making the transition to do this important work in a high school setting is the next step for me.

I bring a deep commitment to social justice into the educational classroom setting through extensive experience with history, anti-bias, and anti-racist curriculum development and implementation from pre-K-8th. I have a passion for teaching about issues of race, gender, etc. I am in a position with all this hands-on knowledge and experience to be a mentor and coach to parents; to give young people a full social justice experience; to support schools with training and consulting around race, gender, and social change. The goal of all these offerings can help to transform your program around race, gender, and social justice work.

I hold a specialized Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College. When not teaching, I enjoy Djing, listening, and dancing to all types of music, connecting to nature by going for long walks on the beach in all seasons, connecting with my Jewish heritage by attending synagogue events and ceremonies with my family, cooking delicious vegan meals, practicing Reiki, being with my partner Sabina, who is also a teacher, and enjoying time with my daughter Hazel.



Training and Consulting Work Experience

VICTOR L. BRADLEY JR. Anti-bias & Anti-Racist Educational Programming, Dorchester, MA  

Coaching, & Custom Curriculums  January 2021 – Present  I am now in a position with all this hands-on knowledge and experience to be a mentor and coach to, educators, parents, and young people in my social justice consulting business here in Boston and around the globe. As an African heritage, Jewish, bisexual cis male, I bring all my identities into this important work.


Enid Lee Consultant, Santa Cruz, CA
Coordinator and Group Facilitator: June 2005 – present

  • Educate and train teachers and administrators in anti-racist practice
  • Planned and organized the Summer Equity Institute in 2005, 2006, and 2007 for more than 200
  • educators from independent and public schools located around the US and Canada
  • Presented the race-based affinity group model for children of color during 2005 and 2006 summer institutes

Cambridge Friends School, Cambridge, MA
Early Childhood Teacher: August 2005 – August 2014

  • Race-based Affinity Group Student and Faculty Leader: facilitated race-based affinity groups for students of color from pre-K to grade 8, organized and led the black boy’s group, presented the affinity group model to administrators and teachers at several AISNE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Conferences, led faculty meetings, parent seminars, and discussion groups on race issues, including race-based affinity groups
  • Organized school’s march at 2010, 2011, and 2012 Boston Pride Parades

Atrium School, Watertown, MA
Pre-K and Kindergarten Teacher: December 1999 – June 2005

  • Race-based Affinity Group Student and Faculty Leader: began, organized, and led weekly affinity groups for children of color
  • Organized and launched Atrium School’s march in the annual Boston Pride Parade
  • Nominated by peers to serve as a faculty trustee for three years at Atrium School, which included serving on the diversity committee, the education committee, and the search committee to hire a new head of school Co-founded and co-organized the school’s Faculty Diversity Action Committee (FDAC), which won an award from the National Association of Independent Schools in 2003, to ensure the daily implementation of anti-racist work

Charlestown Nursery School, Charlestown, MA

” Joining the faculty discussion” October 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley: After walking through the classrooms to see the incredible projects the students had made, I offered critical feedback on the next steps and where they could go deeper in their thinking with anti-bias work.

Curry College, Milton, MA

” Serving culturally diverse children and families  ” October 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley:  In a round table discussion with Prof. Dottie Alexander, we spotlighted critical points from the readings by asking the students what their definitions of prejudice, racism, and discrimination are and how these could play out in an early childhood classroom.

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc., Lawrence, MA

“Equitable Spaces, Empathetic Spaces ” September  2024

Presenter Victor Bradley:  We first looked at our names and how we got them in our “home groups.” This got us close and connected. Then, we began to take a peek at implicit bias, microaggressions, our identity, fairness, injustice, and inclusion. I shared examples of setting up an equitable space through classroom library, visuals, language, and classroom setup. We also watched clips from the film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education In Action”: The Early Years. This showed explicit examples of identity and justice and how to teach these in an early childhood setting. We ended the day with scenarios on how to help families challenged with issues around race, food insecurity, homelessness, and immigration. I  also introduced books on these topics to help children understand people from different backgrounds and dispel stereotypes. To help support  teaching kindness and empathy.

Ethos Early Learning Center, South Boston, MA

“Teaching Strategies For Early Childhood Education, how to begin” August 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley:  We first looked at our names and how we got them in our “home groups.” This got us close and connected. Then, we began to take a peek at implicit bias, microaggressions, our identity, fairness, injustice, and inclusion. Before we dove into effective teaching strategies for early childhood, we need to create a more equitable teaching environment.

The Angier Afterschool Program, Waban MA

“Diversity,Equity and Inclusion Looking at ourself as educators” August 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley: I met with the entire staff and we began to looking  at our own implicit bias , microagressions and ways we can have privilege without knowing it. We met in small groups and were able to report back to the lager group what we figured out about ourselves and others. We also looked at diverse books and looked  how to choose and  read them to young people.     

The Children’s Center of Brookline, Brookline MA

“Anti-bias education in Action ” August 2024

Presenters Elijah Oyenuga and Victor Bradley: We watched the film Reflections on Anti-Bias Education in Action The Early Years by Debbie Leekenan and John Nimmo Itroduced. I introduced the film Then Elijah and I took questions. After that Elijah shared a presitation on Anti bias education in action .Afterwards  we both ansawed questions about the presentation and film.

Brooklyn Sandbox Early Learning Center, Brooklyn NY

“Talking to kids about the ongoing violence in  Isreal and Gaza” August 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley: After the events that happened last October this program wants to be prepared for that tricky conversation that might come up again this year. We started by looking at our own biases and blind spots when comes to this topic. We talked about always following the child’s lead and giving them the developmentally appropriate answers to their question. As for the parents, we want to be good listeners to their worries and concerns and be able to communicate as topics and subjects come up. I shared resources like articles and book lists about Isreal and Palestine.

YMCA Of Greater Boston, Boston MA

“How to set up an inclusive and equitable classrooms for all. ” June, 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley: I showed examples of how to put together an anti-bias library and learning spaces . I  gave tools to use children’s literature more profoundly with young children and looked at their learning spaces through a new lens.

Charlestown Nursery School, Charlestown, MA

“Continuing the conversation”  ,May 2024

Facilitator Victor Bradley: We continued the conversation about the anti-bias work in the classroom and debriefed with Boston city-wide Reggio schools about an area meeting.

Wollaston Childcare, Quincy, MA

“What is anti-bias/racist education and why do we teach to young children “, April 2024

Facilitator Victor Bradley: In this 6-hour professional development, we looked  at the four educational goals of anti-bias/racism.  I could show my own examples of how to reach these goals in their own learning spaces. I also showed models of my own classroom design, diverse literature, change-maker work, and how to bring activism to the classroom. We had time to do this in small and large group settings. In the end, teachers remarked on feeling energized and a new clarity with tools to bring back to their learning spaces.  

Evergreen School, Cambridge, MA

“Scenarios and conversation”, April 2024

Facilitator Victor Bradley: We met in person, this time in small affinity “home groups”.We discussed the four anti-bias scenarios for thirty minutes, then came back together to listen to and discuss the different perspectives of each group. This seemed to be extremely powerful for everyone.We will continue to go deeper in our upcoming session.   

Boston Outdoor Preschool Network (BOPN), Jamaica Plain, MA

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion looking at ourselves as educators”, January 2024

Presenter Victor Bradley: I met with the entire faculty and staff and began to look at their own implicit bias/unconscious bias, microaggressions, and ways we can have privilege without knowing it. We met in small “home groups” three times during the session. This seemed to be extremely powerful. We will continue to go deeper in our upcoming session.  I gave ample time at the end of the meeting for Q & A


Department of Human Service Program, Cambridge, MA

“How do we set inclusive, equitable libraries and learn appropriate strategies for reading this important literature to young people.” January 2024

Presenters Victor Bradley: In this parent and teacher conversation. I modeled ,showed  examples from my own mentors on how to choose diverse literature and read these books to young people.

 Rokeby Museum,  Ferrisburg, VT

Curriculum Development and Coaching November 2023

 Victor Bradley: Helped develop and guide the educational program manager by reviewing lesson plans on the anti-bias curriculum for early childhood programs. For the museum and nearby early childhood program through the fall, winter, and spring seasons, which they facilitated.

Lesley University Early Childhood Innovation Series, Cambridge, MA

“Be A Changemaker ” October, 2023

Presenters Victor Bradley, Dr. Lisa Porter Kuh, and Dr.Iris Chin Ponte: I was honored to present with the authors of the”Complimentary Curriculum Approach.”We discussed bringing anti-bias/racist curriculum and conversation into the classroom.

Summer Street Preschool, Sommerville, MA

“What is anti-racist/bias education, and why should we teach it to young children?” October, 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: We continued our work by looking at classroom libraries and the importance of having diverse books in the classroom. I also shared strategies on how to use these books.

Charlestown Nursery School, Charlestown, MA

“Classroom walkthrough and conversation” October, 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: After a tour and observing the classrooms in action. I joined the faculty meeting to listen and offer feedback on what I had observed that day; the faculty could also ask me questions and what they wanted to work with me as an educator.

Summer Street Preschool, Sommerville, MA

“What is anti-racist/bias education, and why should we teach it to young children?” September, 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: We continued our work by looking at classroom design and classroom setting. I presented many models and examples of what an early childhood classroom could look like through an antibias lens.

Strategies For Children, Boston, MA

Guest speaker on Amy O’Leary 9:30 Zoom Call, September 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: I presented how I became an early childhood educator and I shared my own personal story. I then shared how came to do the anti-bias work I am doing today.

Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston, MA

“A Continued Discussion Group for Faculty,” July 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley:  When I returned to the Children’s Center this time, they continued the reading series with the book “Do The Work: An Antiracist Activity Book” by W. Kamau Bell & Katie Shatz. The teachers read through all of the chapters and did the activities independently. Then, we got to meet together for an hour. We discussed what they had figured out and learned. This continued to help evoke critical and courageous conversations between teams and other faculty. This also helped them think differently about their circular and classroom setup.

Jewish Family & Children’s Service JF&CS, Waltham MA

Diversity Equity and Inclusion, June 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this second session we went right into “home groups” with guided questions about our identity. Then we looked at different scenarios of unconscious bias.

Queer Kids Stuff Presence:”Queer Teachers Rock Pride Addition”, New York NY

“Teachers Supporting Teachers. June 2023

Presenters Victor Bradley & Devin Arey: Queer and Trans educators came together from all across North America virtually, to reflect, process, and heal with guided questions and dialogue. We ended our time with a mindfulness grounding moment. We also got to recognize and celebrate Pride Month together.

Family Daycare Service Inc., Roslindale, MA

“How do you set up an inclusive childcare library and equitable learning environment in early childhood ?”, June 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this six-hour session for home childcare educators.  We looked at the four core goals of anti-bias early education. Identity, Diversity, Justice, and  Activism, and how to weave them into the circular which is already happening in classrooms. We also looked at our privileges, and biases, in ourselves. Then for the rest of the time we observed  our  classroom design, diverse literature, changemaker work, and activism. We did this important work in “home groups” and all together.

Summer Street Preschool, Sommerville, MA

“What is anti-racist/bias education, and why should we teach it to young children?” May 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: We continued our work after watching the film Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action in the Early Years in our last session. In this next session, we looked at the four core goals of anti-bias early ed. Identity, Diversity, Justice, and  Activism, and how to weave them into the circular that is already happening in classrooms.

Queer Kids Stuff Presence: “Queer Teachers Rock For BIPOC Educators Only, New York NY

“Teachers Supporting Teachers. May 2023

Presenters Victor Bradley & Soielle Petersen: Bipoc Queer and Trans educators came together from all across North America virtually to reflect, process, and heal with guided questions and dialogue. We ended our time with a mindfulness grounding moment. We also got to recognize how we are the same and different as BIPOC folks.

Jewish Family & Children’s Service JF&CS, Waltham MA

“An Introductions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion “, May 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this first session, I worked with staff and we began by telling stories of our name origins in small groups, looked at what is an implicit bias/unconscious bias, microaggressions, ways we can have privilege without knowing it, and did a privilege walk, which was extremely powerful. We will continue to go deeper in our up and coming sessions.


Boston Outdoor Preschool Network (BOPN), Jamaica Plain MA

(An intro. for parents) “What is anti-racist/bias education and why should we teach it to young children?”, April 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: During this family engagement evening, The parents started or continued to learn how to talk to children about differences, to show how to craft a classroom environment that encourages learning, discussion, questioning, and celebrating what makes one another unique. I pointed them toward resources they can use to be able to answer their children’s questions when they arise.  As a caregiver, teacher, and educator, I began to prepare them to answer children’s hard questions and have an answer for their observations of the world around them. Of course,  I gave ample time at the end of the meeting for Q & A


Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston MA

“A Discussion Group for Faculty”, April 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: I returned to the Children’s Center to begin a series of discussions with the book “Do The Work An Antiracist Activity Book” by W. Kamau Bell & Katie Shatz. The teachers read through the book’s first chapter and did the activities independently. Then we got to meet together for an hour and I gave them guided questions with norms, This helped to evoke critical and courageous conversation—a great beginning.

Hampshire College Early Learning Center, Amherst MA

“An Evening for Parents “April 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: I returned to Hampshire College Early Learning Center to meet with parents virtually. They first listened to a short presentation on race, gender, and Anti-bias education which teachers have been working on in their classrooms. We worked in large and small groups reading through scenarios about race, gender, and class after I opened the floor for questions about the topic.

Department of human service program, Cambridge MA

“How do we create young change-makers and activists in this current period? ” March 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: At the Cambridge library auditorium I was with seventy-five early childhood educators and after-school teachers. On my return, I  shared explicit examples of how to teach about Change Makers and activism from Prek-6th grade. We met in small and large groups. After I sharing many examples of my own experiences doing this work.

John Winthrop Nursery School, Boston MA

“What is anti-bias/racist and why do we teach it to young children” March 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: I returned for a 1-hour presentation. The teachers were invited to go even deeper and look at the four core goals of anti-bias education in their teaching teams. After the teachers got to report back what they discussed and figured out. They also gave examples, takeaways, and the next steps in this important work.

Evergreen School, Cambridge MA

“What should I say when… A question and answer and conversation about anti-bias/racist education” March 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this 2-hour presentation we got to dive into diverse literature, change-maker work, and activism. Teachers were encouraged to work in teaching teams to discuss how to improve their classroom libraries, and how to call each other out on microaggressions, and implicit bias by building trust within teaching teams.

 Hilltop Children’s center professional development institute, Seattle WA

“Raising changing makers a family guide.” February 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this 2-hour presentation. We looked at diverse literature, change-maker work, and activism. How do we best equip and support our young people for life in a diverse complex world? This helped them to see themselves as change markers. Parents were able to ask questions and learn strategies that I modeled.  This helped support teachers and parents to do this work together.

Hampshire College Early Learning Center, Amherst MA

“What is anti-bias/racist education and why do we teach it to young children?”   February 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this 4-hour presentation we looked at the four goals of Anti-bias education and how to use them. We also looked at classroom design, diverse literature, change-maker work, and activism.

Brooklyn Sandbox Early Learning Center (BKSB), Brooklyn NY

A Social Justice Seminar Part ll: “How Do We Set Up An Inclusive and Equitable Libraries For Young People In Our Lives”  February 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this follow-up parent and teacher conversation. I modeled how to choose diverse literature and read these books to young people.

Arthur D.Healey School, Somerville MA

“Raising Change Makers” February 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: Teachers were shown examples of teaching social studies through change-maker work. The Changemakers curriculum is not just about creating better students. It’s about nurturing better human beings.  Everyone has the potential to be a Changemaker, even very young children! Changes can be extensive, like organizing protests/boycotts to bring awareness to a social issue, or minor, like helping to start composting in your classroom or home. Changemakers are empathetic, kind, hopeful, and courageous. They believe in a better world and see themselves as having the power to improve it. Our world needs Changemakers!

 Boston Chapter, MAAEYC, Boston MA

“How can you set up an inclusive classroom library and equitable learning environment” February 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this two-part series for early educators and home care providers, we learned how to put together an anti-bias library and learning space. They were given tools to use children’s literature more profoundly with young children and looked at their learning spaces through a new lens. They received a certificate for 3 hours of professional development.

N.E.C.A. , Newton MA

“What is Anti-bias/racist education and why do we teach it to young children?”January 2023

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this 2-hour professional development we looked  at the four educational goals of anti-bias/racism. I also showed models of my own classroom design, diverse literature, change-maker work, and how to bring activism to the classroom. 

 Montessori School of Northampton, Northhampton MA

“What is Anti-bias/racist education and why do we teach it to young children?” November 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this four-hour professional development we looked back at the four educational goals of anti-bias/racism.  I was able to show my own examples of how to reach these goals in their own learning spaces. I also showed models of my own classroom design, diverse literature, change-maker work, and how to bring activism to the classroom. We had time to do this in small and large group settings. In the end, teachers remarked on feeling energized and a new clarity with tools to bring back to their learning spaces.

 Montessori School of Northampton, Northhampton MA

An Introduction, “What is Anti-bias/racist education and why do we teach it to young children?” October 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: We introduced the four core goals of anti-bias/racism and some gender-neutral terms. We also looked at why this work is so important to teach.

Queer Kids Stuff Presence: “Queer Teachers Rock!” (A Conference For Queer and Trans Educators), New York NY

“Teachers Supporting Teachers.”October 2022

Presenters Victor Bradley & Devin Arey: Queer and Trans educators came together from all across North America virtually, to reflect, process, and heal with guided questions and dialogue. We ended our time with a mindfulness grounding moment.

Tokyo Association of International Preschools (TAIP) Workshop, Tokyo Japan 

“What Is Anti-Racist/Bias Education And Why Do We Teach It To Young Children.”October 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this international collective of preschool programs, we looked at race, gender, and activism and the developmentally appropriate tools to do this crucial anti-bias/racist work for young people.

 Summer Street Preschool, Somerville MA

“What Is Anti-Racist/Bias Education And Why Do We Teach It To Young Children.”October 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: After observing in the classroom all morning, that evening we gathered For our first official session. We began by watching the film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years” by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, and Filiz Efe McKinney.Then we had a rich discussion of the film with guided questions.

Russell J. Call Children Center, Boston MA

“How To Set up an Inclusive and Equitable Library in your Classroom.” September 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: We looked at how can you look at your space with a new lens, looking at literature, layouts, and visuals.

West Zone Early Learning Center, Boston Public Schools, Jamaica Plain MA

“What Is Anti-Racist/Bias Education And Why Do We Teach It To Young Children.”September 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: For our first official session we began by watching the film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years” by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, and Filiz Efe McKinney.Then we had a group discussion of the film with guided questions. We continued the day by looking at the four core goals of anti-racist/biased education. I will be returning thought out the year, monthly for faculty coaching and P.D.

MAAEYC Conference, Foxboro/Mansfield MA

“What Is Anti-Racist/Bias Education And Why Do We Teach It To Young Children.” September 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: Educators received a personalized set of tools designed to address the specific circumstances they relate to the topics of gender, racism, classism, and activism. They learn how to effectively use these resources to proactively and positively engage in developmentally appropriate initiatives with their children, parents, and communities.

The Department of Human Service Programs, Cambridge MA

“What Is Anti-Racist/Bias Education And Why Do We Teach It To Young Children.”August  2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this six-hour professional development at the Cambridge Public Library for seventy Cambridge public school early childhood educators; We began by watching the film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years” by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, and Filiz Efe McKinney.Then we broke up into school teams to discuss the film with guided questions. We continued the day by looking at the four core goals of anti-racist/biased education. We also looked at classroom design, diverse literature, change marker work, and how to bring activism to the classroom. This was mostly done in small group work. We ended the day with many tools to bring back to their classroom.

EmbraceRace, Boston MA

“Teaching and Learning about race: Fantastic Practice in Early Childhood.”July 2022

Presenters Victor Bradley/Veronica Reynoso: In this panel discussion we answered questions and told scenarios of our classroom experiences around race, gender, and social justice change-maker work.

Kesher community Learning, Sommerville MA

A walk-through of classrooms, the library, and curriculum closets. July 2022

Victor Bradley: Sat in on faculty and staff retreat to get to know the school culture and the school environment.  Then I  was given a tour of the school with an anti-racist/biased lens to offer feedback.

West Zone Early Learning Center, Boston Public Schools, Jamaica Plain MA

“A Brief Intro.: “Why do we teach this to young children”June 2022.

Presenter Victor Bradley: I met with faculty and staff and some parents. We looked at the four core goals of anti-racist/biased education and why this work is so important.

Sommerville Public School Community Schools Programs, Sommerville MA

“How To Be An Anti-Racist/Bias Early Childhood Educator”May 2022.

Presenter Victor Bradley: I met with faculty and staff and looked at the four core goals of anti-racist/biased.  We looked at Literature and how to pick out age-appropriate and read diverse books.

Cambridge Ellis School, Cambridge MA

“Why Do We Teach Anti-Racist/Bias In Early Childhood?”May 2022.

Presenter Victor Bradley: I returned to C.E.S. this time to work with faculty and staff. We looked at the four core goals of anti-racist/biased education and classroom design. We also looked at some anti-racist/biased Scenarios.

Curry College/Little Sprouts Early Education and childcare, Milton, MA

“The Power of Identity: Bringing Your Whole Self Into The Classroom.”May 2022.

Keynote and Presenter Victor Bradley: How can educators nurture, promote, and foster the pillars of anti-racist/bias education in their classroom? The goals of identity, social justice, and activism can be cultivated in your classroom. This work requires intentional planning on the part of the educator where instructional practices are purposely designed to support children’s development in the context of children’s and families’ personal and social identities.

Groton Public Library, Groton, MA
“What should I say when… A question, answer, and conversation about anti-bias/racism for parents.” April and May 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: We looked at diverse literature and I offered scenarios for a rich and honest discussion.

 (Boston Chapter) MAAEYC, Boston, MA
“What is Antiracist/bias education and why do we teach to young children”: March/April 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this three-part series in the first session I introduced the four core educational goals of anti-bias/racist education. In the second session, we looked at classroom/home design with a new lens, and in the third session, we learned how to incorporate ChangeMaker and activism work in our learning spaces.

Evergreen Day School, Cambridge, MA
“How To Be An Antiracist/bias Early Childhood Educator”: March 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this four-hour session I incorporated books, visuals, mindfulness activities, courageous conversations, and social studies about people of power and change-makers. Participants will leave the session with a detailed curriculum on how to teach about gender and race, a bibliography of diverse books on race, and change-maker books for adults and children.

John Winthrop Nursery School, Boston, MA
“How To Be An Antiracist/bias Early Childhood Educator”: March 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this 4-hour professional development time I provided strategies to strengthen their lens as anti-bias/racist educators. I offered to coach teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. I also offered explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens. I will continue to help educators plan and transform their curriculum and classroom into a more inclusive environment.

Willow Brook International School, Tokyo, Japan
“Raising Change Makers”: March 2022
For Willow Brook International School Family Circle

Presenter Victor Bradley: I returned to Willow Brook to meet with my parents. They first listened to a short presentation on race, gender, and Anti-bias education and what teachers have been working on in classrooms. This is an international preschool community, so one area of focus that the parents found helpful was how to speak particularly to young children about race and gender/ how to navigate difficult questions to raise compassionate children/ what approach parents should take at this age, parent-led or child-led.

Benjamin Brown School, Somerville, MA
“A Social Justice Virtual Evening For Parents Who Want Tools For Change.” “Raising Change Makers”: March 2022

Facilitator Victor Bradley: For the Brown school PTA I offered tools to address specific circumstances as they relate to the topics of gender, racism, classism, and activism. I taught how to effectively use the resources offered to proactively and positively engage in developmentally appropriate initiatives for the school community. Everyone had an opportunity to ask questions and learn strategies to help support the Brown School Community to do this important anti-bias/anti-racist work. I helped and offered resources for tricky conversations with young people.

Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston, MA
(Follow up) Coaching teaching teams individually in their anti/racist bias practice: February 2022

Facilitator Victor Bradley: I returned for more coaching for teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. There was a virtual conversation and check-in on how the work was going. I also offered again explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens. We also discussed their up-and-coming art show through a new lens.

Hilltop Educator Institute/Children’s School, Seattle, WA
Educator Discussion Series: “Black, Queer, and Radical: Gender and Racial Justice in ECE.”: February 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: Child: “You can’t have long hair, you’re a boy” Comments like this happen all the time. Young children (birth to 9) are naturally curious about the way the world works, inequities in their environment, and social justice issues. How can we recognize, honor, and contribute to the ongoing work of gender justice activists throughout history and today?

In this 2 hour workshop offered a look at how I, a Black, Bi Jewish cis male, teaches children and adults about gender, gender identity, PRIDE, the LGBTQ+ movement, and how it is interconnected with other social identities including race. we took an in-depth look, answer questions, question, comment, and work to understand how we can support children and each other on our journey towards gender liberation.

Groton Public Library, Groton, MA
“Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years”: February 2022

The town of Groton joined Victor Bradley for a discussion of the film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, and Filiz Efe McKinney. The conversation focused on ways of engaging community members in anti-bias work to create a more equitable educational system even at the earliest stages. This event was for educators and parents.

Harvard Yard Child Care Center, Cambridge, MA
“Why do we teach Anti-bias/Anti Racist Education in Early Childhood?”: January 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this professional development time I will provide strategies to strengthen their lens as anti-bias/racist educators. I offered to coach teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. There was a virtual observation of the classroom environment and classroom setup. I also offered explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens. I will continue to help educators plan and transform their curriculum and classroom into a more inclusive environment.

Brooklyn Sandbox Early Learning Center, Brooklyn, NY
“Never Too Young To Change The World.” “A Conversation With Parents.” : January 2022

BKSB Social Justice Seminar Part II: Parents and faculty listened to a short presentation on race, gender, and Anti-bias education in early childhood classrooms. Then everyone went into break-out rooms with guided questions. Then parents and faculty were able to report back to groups and ask questions.

Cambridge Ellis School, Cambridge, MA
“Never Too Young To Change The World.” “A Conversation With Parents.” : January 2022

Presenter Victor Bradley: Parents and faculty listened to a short presentation on race, gender, and Anti-bias education in early childhood classrooms. Then parents and faculty were able to ask me questions for one hour on the topic.

Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston, MA
December 2021

Facilitator Victor Bradley: I offered coaching for teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. There was a virtual observation of the classroom environment and classroom setup. I also offered explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens.

Kennydale Elementary School, Renton, WA
“Language and Gender in School/Workplace.” “I can change it.”: December 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: Why do we need to talk about gender? How do we support children being comfortable with their own gender and work to dismantle the inequities in their learning environment around this topic? How do we make safe spaces for all young people to be able to think well about one another? How do we support transgender youth and make them feel safe in the classroom? How do we extend this support out into the community we serve? In this workshop, I will guide and offer videos, materials, books, strategies, and tools to support and respond in a developmentally appropriate way.

Boston Area Reggio Inspired Network, Boston, MA
BRAIN Workshop Series: “Illuminating Reggio Practices Through Local Stories. Children as Citizens, Families as Partners: Anti-biased Coaching for Families and Educators.” : December 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: How do we honor children’s voices when they ask about the racial realities of economic injustice, police brutality, and immigration without traumatizing them with anxiety and fear? “What can we do, we’re just kids” is something we often hear young children say. How do we support children in seeing themselves as activists and working to dismantle the inequities in their learning environment? How do we extend this support out into the community we serve? In this workshop, I will guide and offer materials, books, strategies, and tools to support and respond in a developmentally appropriate way.

Brooklyn Sandbox Early Learning Center, Brooklyn, NY
(Follow up) Coaching teaching teams individually in their anti/racist bias practice: November 2021

Victor Bradley: I offered coaching for teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. There was a virtual observation of the classroom environment. I also offered explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens. I will continue to help educators plan and transform their curriculum and classroom into a more inclusive environment.

Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston, MA
“Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years”: October 2021

A Film by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo, and Filiz Efe McKinney.

Facilitator Victor Bradley: The teaching teams Watched the film. Then met me to debrief with guided questions.

Willow Brook International School, Tokyo, Japan
“How To Be An Anti-racist/bias Early Childhood Educator”: September 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this professional development focused on classroom design through an anti-racist anti-bias lens, looking at a classroom library and how to make them more inclusive, microaggressions, social activism in the classroom, and how to incorporate social studies curriculum through changemaker work.

Hilltop Educator Institute/Children’s School, Seattle, WA
Educator Discussion Series: “Activism and Advocacy in Early Education”: August/September 2021

This workshop is a 2 part series.

Presenter Victor Bradley: “What can we do, we’re just kids” is something we often hear young children say. How do we support children in seeing themselves as activists and working to dismantle the inequities in their learning environment? How do we as adults move past fear in order to live out our mission statement as a social justice organization? And how do we extend this out into the community we serve?

In this 2-hour intensive, we explored ways we can activate the activist in you. Through the use of books, mindfulness, social studies, and more, we’ll sharpen our advocacy and social justice toolkits so the people in our community can see themselves and transform to be the Little Miss Flint, the Shana Grant, the Kauã Rodolfo of their worlds.

Part 1 is a recording and will be available to view all of September.

Part 2 is a one-hour debrief meeting for you to unite with the community to reflect together, ask questions, and engage in activities to deepen your learning.

Brooklyn Sandbox Early Learning Center, Brooklyn, NY
“How To Be An Antiracist/bias Early Childhood Educator”: August 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this professional development time I provided strategies to strengthen their lens as anti-bias/racist educators. I offered to coach teachers virtually by meeting with them individually or in teams. There was a virtual observation of the classroom environment and classroom setup. I also offered explicit feedback on their content and strategies for better teaching with an anti-bias/anti-racist lens. I will continue to help educators plan and transform their curriculum and classroom into a more inclusive environment.

Russell J. Call Children’s Center, Boston, MA
“Why Anti-Racist/Anti-Biased Education?”: August 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this professional development time I will provide strategies to strengthen their lens as anti-bias/racist educators. I will continue to help educators plan and transform their curriculum and classroom into a more inclusive environment.

Virtual Parent Change Makers Class
“Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years”: May 2021

A Film by Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo. and Filiz Efe McKinney. An evening rich in conversation. Led by Victor Bradley.

Bancroft School, Worcester, MA
“Why Anti-Racist/Anti-Biased Education?”: May 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this training, we looked at Who we are, What are Microaggressions, The four core goals of anti-racist/bias education, How do we strengthen our lens using children’s literature and What is a Changemaker?

Atrium School, Watertown, MA
“ChangeMakers Online class for classrooms”: May 2021

Victor Bradley Worked with pre-k-1st grade in 6 sessions to begin to eliminate barriers of prejudice, misinformation, and bias in young children in a developmentally- appropriate setting. I incorporate books, visuals, mindfulness, movement, songs, courageous conversations, and social studies about people of power and change-makers!

Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc., Lawrence, MA
“How To Be An Antiracist/bias Early Childhood Educator”: April 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In the session, I incorporated books, visuals, mindfulness activities, courageous conversations, and social studies about people of power and change-makers. Participants will leave the session with a detailed curriculum on how to teach about gender and race, a bibliography of diverse books on race, and change-maker books for adults and children.

Atrium School, Watertown, MA
“Teach Justice, Not Fear”: April 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: How do honor children’s voices when they ask about the racial realities of economic injustice, police brutality, and immigration without traumatizing them with anxiety and fear?

Cambridge Birth-3rd Grade Partners, Cambridge, MA
Cambridge Week Of The Young Child! “Teaching Justice Not Fear”: April 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: a social justice curriculum for young children.

Virtual Parent Change Makers Evening
March 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: In this parent change-maker session, parents have space to ask those challenging questions so you can be ready for the tricky conversations that come up with your young person. The goal of this session is to expand your “tool belt” by providing strategies and language in developmentally-appropriate practice on gender, activism, race, and class. This session will incorporate books, visuals, mindfulness activities, courageous conversations, and social studies about people of power and change-makers. Participants will leave the session with a bibliography of diverse and change-maker books for adults and children so they can start to have or continue those challenging conversations with the young people in their life.

Hilltop Educator Institute/Children’s School, Seattle, WA
Educator Discussion Series: “Teach Justice, Not Fear”: February/March 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: How do honor children’s voices when they ask about the racial realities of economic injustice, police brutality, and immigration without traumatizing them with anxiety and fear? In this two-part 2-hour intensive, we’ll explore ways we can teach justice and not fear.

Beth El Temple Center Mishpachah, Belmont, MA
“Words Matter: Raising Anti-Racist Children Through Literature”: January 2021

Presenter Victor Bradley: The connections between African American and Jewish communities in their fight for social justice, including Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and his connection to the civil rights movement.

Tufts University, Medford, MA
“Queering childhood”: November 2018

Tufts professor Elise Sommers’ course: Victor Bradley presented “Setting up a safe classroom environment for queer children of color who might have experienced some kind of trauma”.

Eliot Pearson Department of Early Childhood Studies Tufts University, Medford, MA
September 2014-2020

Joined forces with department professors to have conversations with students about play-based learning. Anti-Racist and Anti-Homophobic early childhood books and how to use them. I was also on many panel discussions addressing classroom design and structure through an anti-bias lens.

Wheelock College, Boston, MA
“Anti-racist and Anti-Homophobic Practice Through an Early Childhood Lens”: October 2015

Wheelock College professor Dr. David Fernie’s Course: “Early Childhood Education,”

Victor Bradley presenter: showcasing diverse books on race and gender and how to use them in a classroom.

New England Quaker conference at Moses Brown, Providence, RI
“People of Inspiration”: February 2014

Presenters Victor Bradley and Lynne May Lim: A Year-Long History Curriculum for Young Children, with a Focus on Peace.

Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies (MCFATASS) 44th North East Regional Conference, Sturbridge, MA
April 2014

Presenters Victor Bradley and Lynne May Lim: A Year-Long History Curriculum for Young Children.

Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE) Diversity Conferences, Natick, MA
“People of Inspiration”: November 2013

Presenter Victor Bradley: A Year-Long History Curriculum for Young Children (These are the change-makers).

Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE) Diversity Conferences, Natick, MA
“People of Inspiration”: November 2013

Presenter Victor Bradley: A Year-Long History Curriculum for Young Children (These are the change-makers).

“Anti-Racist and Anti-Homophobic Practice Through an Early Childhood Lens.”: November 2010

Presenter Victor Bradley: Showcasing diverse books on race and gender and how to use them in a classroom.

“Why Affinity Groups?”: November 2004

Presenter Victor Bradley: Telling the History of Cambridge Friend’s Model on Race-based and Rainbow Kids’ Group.”

“Doing the Work”: November 2000

Demonstrating the model: Co-founded and co-organized the Faculty Diversity Action Committee (F. D. A. C.) at the Atrium School to ensure the daily implementation of antiracist work. This initiative was recognized with an award from the National Association of Independent Schools in 2003. Of NAIS Leading Edge Award for Equity and Justice.

Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Conference, Cambridge, MA
“How to Create LGBTQ Safe Schools”: April 2006

Presenters Victor Bradley and Erica Jensen

“How to Build an LGBTQ Safe Space Through Literature in an Early Childhood Classroom”
April 2002

Presenter Victor Bradley

“Gender in Early Childhood, How to Interrupt Gender Bias in Your Classroom.”
April 2000

Presenters Victor Bradley and Beth Dimock